Can u please tell me which features overtakes the other language?
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persons who ave knowledge in ASP.NET gets the job easily these days..
Java is more advanced than .net language. I will prefer only java if i need to choose among these two.
Can u please tell me which features overtakes the other language?

JAVA is best because it's compatible and works on any OS but it is not with .Net
According to my knowledge , Java and Dotnet has their own value. In Java we need to write code for every application and for every box but in Dotnet we make the application with tools which are provided in the software but here also we write the code but not as much as JAVA.
Java has lot of demand than Dotnet. But both are good. Which one you feel easy to learn choose that.

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Today both the languages have their own place in the market.There is no comparison in them still at personal level I like to go with .net.
Both are having their own value dont compare with each other.

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I will also vote to java as it is easy usable to all.This is very much popular also.
java is popular due to its security features .So it is referred by all.
I think Java is platform independent language and this the main advantage to use this language. To get a good job,i would prefer to go in Java language. Its future prospects are good and you would get much good job .

.NET is now becoming common. Though its a good language and many people are involve in it,but the competition is more in this.

Very few people go for java,because lot of hard work in involve in it. WE need to remember all codes and rules in java.

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there is simple Java and advanced Java....simple Java is not preferred in any industry. i believe...
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