Human mind is full of mysteries. Though we use our mind daily in our day to today activities, it is still beyond our control. Human mind works in two ways. One in conscious level and other is subconscious level. Our subconscious mind mostly influence our conscious mind.

When we consciously try to do something, the subconscious interfere us in several ways. This is because our mind is programmed since childhood for certain things which firmly entered and fixed in our mind. It could be certain beliefs, thoughts etc.

The good news is that there are number of ways to train our subconscious mind to eliminate the limiting beliefs and replace with positive and beneficial thoughts, which will tremendously change our well being and we can improve ourselves.
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Yes, this is true. I agree with you Basheer.Nice post, very useful. Keep it up.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Thanks sarala, there are also other aspects of mind, which we un- aware. Human mind is full of mysteries. I 'll post an other day some more points.
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