Indian atomic energy scientist and Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR) director Baldev Raj has been elected president of the International Institute of Welding (IIW).

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It is really a good news shared,Abid.Hope he comes up with some innovative ideas and thoughts during his period of 3 years. :) :)
A moment of pride for all of us and my warm congrats to him and thanks Abid!
Welcome Ceeem.When Indians seen up and up really we also feel proud.

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Any positive news of Indian achievement always cheers us up!
chinmoymukherjee wrote:
[quote]Any positive news of Indian achievement always cheers us up![/quote]

Similarly we should feel shame when negative hears.

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Yes ABid is right that how much proud we feel when Indians acheive something should be equal to shame when negative acheivements are heared.. :)
Yes,Let us take this opportunity to be proud of Indians who had reached milestones. :) :)
These days we hear great achievements of Indian in diverse fields which are truly inspiring!
Metallurgy is such a good field where more expertise is needed.Hope Mr.Baldev Raj would excel in it. :) :)
Yes I read this in a newspaper thanks for sharing this here. keep it up.

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