Nearly half a million public sector workers in Britain are to lose their jobs as the government plans to reduce more than 80 billion pounds in public spending in the next four years, the biggest cut since the Second World War.

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Oh!It is really shocking to hear the public sector workers are going to face two year pay freeze. :ohmy:
Apparently, Britain is going through difficult position. In the past, Britain was thriving on exploitation of colonies. That avenue has dried up.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

It is really shocking to know that country like Britain has to cut some jobs...
It's inevitable as the British economy is no longer the same as it used to be!
Its is surprising to know that the country like britian is also facing economic problem....
Its happening with many other countries too....
It's an economic reality which is forcing the British government to embark on a course like this and the British would have to face this grim reality!
This also is a sign that currencies of emerging countries shall appreciate drastically.

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