Basic knowledge of computer operation is one of the criteria for recruitment of judges .A candidate who does not have basic computer knowledge will be disqualified says Supreme Court.
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It is a very good initiative.I have faced hell lot of problems when I use to go to Electricty Board for paying my electric bills.They don't know how to feed in the details in to the computer.Every government official must have atleast the basic knowledge of how to use a computer.
The judgment has been given in a case filed by a candidate in Uttrakhand. The supreme court has well recognized the reality. Formerly, three R- Reading, writing and arithmetic were considered as components of literacy. Now, a person without basic computer knowledge is also illiterate.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Thanks for providing us more updates on this news.Keep sharing!!! :) :) :)
Days are not far off when all the court proceedings might be held electronically and the judges must to be equipped with knowledge of computer!
As shown in movies whenever i think of judges the first thing that comes to my mind is a pen and a paper and an hammer(I don't know the exact name of it). :P :P :P

It is good to imagine them having laptops in front of them to record the case preceedings. :)
The possibilities are immnese in bringing digital revolution in the realm of our judicial system!
nagalakshmi.karunanidhi wrote:
[quote]As shown in movies whenever i think of judges the first thing that comes to my mind is a pen and a paper and an hammer(I don't know the exact name of it). :P :P :P

It is good to imagine them having laptops in front of them to record the case preceedings. :)[/quote]

The scenario is fast changing. At Delhi Tis Hazari courts, you will find a computer operator in every court. all proceedings are recorded on the computer. The day is not off when you will forget pen and paper. But teething troubles are unavoidable. The older generation find it difficult to keep pace with technology. In course of time, they will learn the new technology. Many may be retiring in near future. The current generation is computer savvy. Many older persons cannot even send SMS. This generation gap is unavoidable.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

This is indeed welcome! All the judges so as the entire governmental system should be computerised in order to expediate processing and resolving judicial and civic issue!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Judges are the ones who take decisions and are like the balancing act in judging people in the society, and untill they are cognizant in all the fields their judgements will be based on jus presumptions..
Raja wrote:
[quote]Judges are the ones who take decisions and are like the balancing act in judging people in the society, and untill they are cognizant in all the fields their judgements will be based on jus presumptions..[/quote]

The judges are competent and take decisions on facts and law and not on presumptions. Computerization is a recent phenomenon. Hence, older generation is not so much computer savvy. But even then they are competent enough. However, computers help in processing the cases faster. Computer is necessary for speed, accuracy, consistency and uniformity. We may expect that the older generation judges will also learn computer. Some of them may be retiring soon and be replaced by younger ones who are computer savvy. These are teething trouble and in course of time, paper work will be a thing of past.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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