The Arctic Ocean could be free of ice in the summer as soon as 2010 or 2015 -- something that hasn't happened for more than a million years, according to a leading polar researcher. Earlier, they had forecasted the Arctic Ocean could be free of summer ice as early as 2050.
"The frightening models we didn't even dare to talk about before are now proving to be true," Fortier told CanWest News Service.
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its really shocking and unbelievable news that arctic ocean could be ice free by 2010..........thanks for sharing.......

:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
the concept of global warming is often confusing as far as its consequences are concerned!

how come europe now is expiriencing its worst winters in last 20 years while they say that by next year there will be no snow in the ocean north to it?
It is very unfortunate news!! Human should be alert at least now and do their duty for environment protection. Global warming is faster then ever. Hence ice is melting from all the ice bodies all over the world.

It is wake up call!!

Software Engineers never die...They just go offline.
The news is really shocking. But the human race is either not likely to learn and if if we are aware, we are not likely to work as a team. All nations must cooperate. But each nation is expecting others to reduce global warming doing nothing herself.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

If Arctic Ocean get free of ice, there will be dangerous effect to whole climate system of world. Cyclones, flood, rise in sea level, global coastal events etc may be the after effects. In India itself there are many coastal cities like Mumbai, Chennai, Trivandrum, Mangalore, Goa, Vizag, Cochin etc. and in these cities, many regions are below sea-level.
Hoo this was a great news and shocking...

If it happens it will really effect the coastal cities.
It is unpredictable what will happen in future due to this global warming.May God keep us.

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we're a virus who destroys its host.we're signing our own death warrant.its almost necessary that we're wiped off this planet unless we come up with revolutionary ways to cope with this problem, with a deeper understanding of ourselves and our ecosystem
As Holy Quran says ,Human hands had created problems on land and sea.

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its not that shocking, as past decate the news about global warmning has been coming like flood everyday.
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