A shocking news of murder of small child in name of religious sacrifice at Khurja (U.P.) is reported in Hindi local evening paper DLA. A small child was missing for two days. His dead body was found in forest. The marks of TILAK, sacred thread around wrist indicate that this is a case of sacrifice to please deity. The police have promised action shortly.

Apparently, the Western U.P. region is in grip of religious fanatics and Tantriks.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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Gulshan this is not a case of religious fanaticism, but about money. Recently similar cases have been reported in Maharashtra too!

These gruesome murders are carried out either due to the belief of finding the hidden treasure (Gupta dhan) or for want of a child, more specifically , a male child.

The tantriks take undeue adavantage of the desperation of people to have a male child and instigate them to commit murder while they flee with the exorbitant amounts of money taken to perform these horrifying rites! :angry: :angry: :angry:

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

really a shocking news....you are right kalyani this is not a religious sacrifice it is done for money.....

every day we read about many such incidents in news papers...
Sick People, too bad. Now the tantrik should be sacrificed. India is facing one or other problems in every part of each city.
sajeetharan wrote:
[quote]Sick People, too bad. Now the tantrik should be sacrificed. India is facing one or other problems in every part of each city. [/quote]

It is not India alone where such incidents happen. It is everywhere in the world. The forms of such rites may differ or the methods to kill may differ, but the nature and motives are all the same.

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Kalyani Nandurkar wrote:
[quote]Gulshan this is not a case of religious fanaticism, but about money. Recently similar cases have been reported in Maharashtra too!

These gruesome murders are carried out either due to the belief of finding the hidden treasure (Gupta dhan) or for want of a child, more specifically , a male child.

The tantriks take undeue adavantage of the desperation of people to have a male child and instigate them to commit murder while they flee with the exorbitant amounts of money taken to perform these horrifying rites! :angry: :angry: :angry:[/quote]

Kalyani- Belief of finding treasure or getting a child through tantrik rituals are part of religious practice. any non religious or atheist will not go for such absurd rituals. A non religious person may be greedy but he will adopt some other means and not this type of tantrik ritual linked with Hindu religion.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I think such cases are quiet common and should be punished very sevearely..A special type of rule should be included for lodging completes.
Please stop all these nonscence sacrifices, its hurting the Indian sentiment.
This is a very sad news and proof that how backward is India in its rural areas. Hope this all stops soon.

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"Foreigners sacrifice their money for sake of God,so they are blessed with money and prosperity". The people of India sacrifice their kids..shameful act!
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