scientists have warned that a massive asteroid might crash into Earth in 2182.The asteroid, called 1999 RQ36, has a one-in-thousand chance of actually hitting the Earth at some point before the year 2200, but is most likely to hit on Sep 24, 2182!

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Mankind has all the power needed to destroy itself.It will merely take a bunch of trigger happy folks from First World countries..

50 yrs. that's my gut feeling
The report also talks of way to contain the threat. Hope the threat will be tackled by scientists.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Maybe NASA will send people to the asteroid to destroy it like in the film 'Armageddon'..we will be living in spaceships!!
We can see in future what will be our action on these threats.

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even my great or greater grand son might die and else we might suffer the earth or we can shift to the moon for avoid any problem
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