The Maoist leader who held the number three position in the party and was known to be a hardliner who spurned talks with the centre was killed in an encounter with security forces yesterday.
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Killing of either Maoists or police is natural consequence of the insurgency by Maoists. It does not appear that killing of some Maoist leader will solve the menace. It is necessary to hold meaningful negotiation between Maoists and Government.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Gulshan you are right in a way but would like to add that if groups leader is killed it is a big loss for the group because the group becomes directionless.

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Gulshan,you are bang on! Such killings would never solve the problem.It seems an endless cycle of violence and counter-violence.
Jayen- The organizations like Maoists always maintain hierarchy of leaders who would take place of the killed leader. Killing and getting killed is natural to them. They cannot become directionless by killing of any leader as such. They may be defeated only by deploying Indian armed forces. The police forces are no match to them. It is also necessary to hold talk with them for peaceful solution of the issues involved.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

As I always maintain that the government has to take a holistic view of the whole problem.Once the fruits of development percolate to the poor people of the Maoist infested regions,the situation is likely to undergo a qualitative change.
Chinmoy- Thanks for appreciating my view. I am reminded of Gandhi- Eye for eye will result in making whole world blind. The Maoists should genuinely agree to negotiate and the Govt. must also be sincere in talks with Maoists. If so called encounter killings worked, all crimes and terror would have ended.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I also agree that only meaningful talks conducted in a sincere spirit can help in breaking this logjam.
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