We seem to be passing through the season of scandals and scams.The latest one is one involving phone tapping of political leaders and both houses of Parliament have been rocked by and currently stand adjourned.It is not only illegal,unconstitutional but grossly undemocratic too.Do share your views.
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Yes Chinmoy, not only is it undemocratical and illegal, I think it is highly unethical too. This is because politicians are always trying to score a point over each other in order to remain in power always. Which is why the phones are being tapped, waiting fro opportunities when they can turn the evidence to their own advantage and maybe try to milk the situation for their gains, personal or money wise!@!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

You are correct.Our leaders stop at nothing to further their narrow political and in doing no consideration is shown to the legality,morality or any ethical aspect of their actions.
I think politics will have a lot of such unfair practices.They are shameless to do all these.

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Phone tapping and other methods of watching activities of certain leaders cannot be altogether ruled out. We recently witnessed the anti national activities of an Indian Foreign Service officer. The possibilities of even some of our honorable legislators indulging in anti national activities cannot be ruled out. If there is no phone tapping or watch, the government will be accused of inaction if any thing goes wrong. Our intelligence agencies will also be blamed if they fail to provide crucial information in time. The Revenue intelligence has also to act for collecting information on economic offenses that may involve even VIPs and honorable members of parliament and state assemblies.
So, too much should not be made of phone tapping which may be necessary in national interests.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant


Such Draconian practices are aginst the demoratic ethos of the country.We can not and should not allow such fishing exercises.Such powers are normally misued against political rivals and utterly political purposes and my objections are limited to that.
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