Hello Friends,

Do you think that selling sugar, daal etc by government is justified?

Or else, the authorities should recover the essential commodities from the storages of hoarder?

- Harish Jharia

Harish Jharia
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Farmer is selling his rice for Rs:10 per kg. But we the end users are purchasing rice at 30-40 rupees per kg. Who is minting the difference amount. How much share does corrupt politicians and officers get.
Allow the farmers to sell their products freely at any where in the country without the involvement of middle men and govt agencies. Then you see the difference.
These politicians will first create problems, then act like helping poors by free and subsidised schemes for creating their vote banks.
Innocent and corrupt people, corrupt ofiicials come into their trap.
Hello Sridhar Kesireddy,

I rarely find so powerful and sincere comments from the user in internet. If we express ourselves so very effectively then only the serious messages will be conveyed to the masses and subsequently to the government.

Please do write many more such messages, thanks and take care,

- Harish Jharia

Harish Jharia
Thanks Harish,
Failing to speak truth or to side with/support it is equal to promoting the false/evil.

Sridhar Kesireddy
Hello Sridhar Kesireddy,

We will have to shed-off the scare of the politicians some of whom are supported and assisted by hardcore criminals.

If we are paying taxes we have right to ask for the facilities for which the taxes have been imposed.

- Harish Jharia

Harish Jharia
The government should not trade. The production or supply of essential commodities should be increased. Instead of giving subsidy to poor, their income should be increased by giving suitable employment and enforcing labor friendly law. It is no use first making people poor and then subsidizing them.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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