I personally think women should be recruited in army but not in active services as it will be difficult for them to cope up with the harsh situations. In Israel, we find women having a more active role in armed services. But can this be done in India too.
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I agree with you pinakin that women should be tough in any situation so they too can take up army but they should be given respect for what they do or sexual harassaments which are happening in all the defence services should be avoided. This attitude is impossible and hence most of the women are now hestitating to opt for army or denfense services. :dry:
I think the speed at which Indian army recruiting women in army is O.K. Indian army will recruit more in coming years. Indian army is doing this very slowly and its O.k.

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yes women also should be recruited in army. Before people used to say that women are unfit for army as they are soft minded mentally and physically. But in this present competitive world women are in every field so they should be in army also

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

yes women should be recruited in army but i believe not on field , that is only on base and not in active service because however modern we may get but women are soft hearted and sometimes things and situations may get real tough which would be difficult to handle for her because of certain physical shortcomings.
This is 2011. Many women in India are still backward if I compare them with the women of other countries. In order to become active in army, both men and women should change their mind. Some men feel embarassed to see women facing the situation in much better way. This is what happens in many departments. Many females are working in police. They are harrassed and insulted either by their collegues or by their seniors.
Women should be strong. Life is just a battle field. We should fight.
As far as I remember, India has a team for women who fought against terrorist and won the battle in Rohtang Pass. This may be in the year 2004.
On 2009, Indira Col, climbed the highest point of Sachien Glaciers. Here is the link:-

Thus I hope India will be able to recruit many women in future.
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