The team anna claims adherence to Gandhian principles. One principle is that ends and means both should be pure. But this essential principle of Gandhian thoughts is conveniently brushed aside and suggested that if ends are good, you may indulge in financial irregularity.

Kiran Bedi says that her corruption in air Line travel is jsutified as she saves money for good cause. Then do thieves not have the right to claimn that they steal for good cause. Why the 2G scam be also not justified if the bribe is used for good cause. Even tax evaders spend a part of money on Vaishno devi or other religious and charitable activities.

It is time that team anna give up all pretensions of Gandhian practices as they are getting exposed every day. Anna is issued notice by supreme court for alleged misappropriation of funds in his NGO. Kejriwal is alleged to have not duly accounted for his trust funds. Prashant Bhushan is a votary of kasnkir extremists. Swami Agnivesh, erstwhile team anna member is clandestine Maoist supporter. He has bee removed only for internal disputes.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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Now the anna team is in doldrums. The team does not realize own folly. Instead there are suggestions of 'Vastu Dosh'. Should team anna not find out vastu dosh in parliament house. may be, if Vastu of parliament is bettered, the government may function better, good law be passed and corruption removed.

The congress is attackin team anna member Kiran Bedi as accepted for her corrupt practice in charging more for air travel.

The person who attacked Kejriwal with a slipper has been sacked. It is surprising that in absence of police action, the individual has been unnecessarily sacked. Is this not breach of natural justice norms?

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

The drops from Anna Team indicates that many of his team members are not satisfied with his deeds.

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No surprise, anna is defending Kiran Bedi and other team members desperately against charges of corruption and mishandling or misappropriation of funds for movement.

Kiran Bedi has accepted her guilt by way of her offer to refund the illegitimate gains to the concerned parties.

However, Anna has coined a phrase, 'Gang of Four' which supposedly defames anna team. Apparently, anna got te phrase from 'Gang of four' in China during sixties. In view of glaring nalpractices by team anna members, nobody needs defame them. They must thank their own deeds for the pitiable condition they are subjecting themselves to.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Yes, Kiran bedi is ready to give back the money and why was this issue on her is rised now when she travelled long time back.
The issue of Kiran Bedi is between her NGO and the sponsors who paid travelling money. This may not be important. But as she is part of anna group and attacking others, she has also to receive something in her own coin.

She cannot escape by returning the excess money taken by her. She cannot give excuse that she is spending for good cause. If this is accepted, every thief and criminal will reply similarly and go scot free.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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