The venue and duration of team anna fast is yet undecided. Team anna wants no restriction. eminent anna team advocate Prashant Bhushan considers that any restrictions on the team on venue or duration are 'unconstitutional'. So what is constitutional. Blackmailing the nation and government by fast unto death and toying with peoples' sentiment is constitutional.

Team Anna should learn to live by constitutional limits and let the Republic of India function constitutionally.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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Yes I am totally agree with Mr Gulshanji. Every Indian should pay respect to our constituency.
Team Anna is in a mood to confront the central government very fiercely. The team is not happy with restrictions on size of gathering, timing etc. They wish to undertake fast for an indefinite period. Needless to say administration cannot ignore law and order and have to maintain peace. Nobody can be allowed to convert Delhi to London based Hyde Park. Peaceful demonstration and expression of thoughts differ from lawlessness and anarchy. At least, the advocates in Team Hazare as well as the retired lady police officer thereof should appreciate this. Moreover, the Hazare team is not representative of so called civil society. Mob gathering and democracy are poles apart.

BNow there is even foreign intervention that team Hazare welcomes. So far for their patriotism and nationalism.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I respect our constituency and its regulations.I support for Anna Hazare and his fasting.
The tug of war is taking serious turn. There is no solution in sight while Anna fast continues.

Corruption cannot be ended even with Lok Pal Bill. Lok Pal Bill may also wait. It will not be prudent to fast till the bill is passed oe corruption is ended. so anna should end fast. The campaign can continue even without fast.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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