Though there are a variety of plays staged in the city all the time, theatre lovers are in for a special treat soon. Hyderabad is all set to witness Victor Hugo's Les Miserables. Local talent will be taking the stage and there will be a live band, with a pianist, violinist and a guitarist. The play is presented by Ingenium Dramatics.

The preview of the play was held at the open-air stage at Lamakaan, and despite the rain, the performers continued to play their parts and proved the adage: ‘The show must go on’. “Jean Valjean, my brother, you no longer belong to evil. With this silver, I have bought your soul... and now I give you back to God,” says the Bishop to Jean Valjean, when he finds him stealing the silver. The play is set in France during the advent of the great revolution and showcases the lives of the people who were looking to redeem themselves as well as stir up a revolution to bring justice to the system. Valjean is the protagonist of the play and is identified as “prisoner 24601”. He is modelled on the quintessential French convict who was condemned for stealing a loaf of bread and then released on parole, similar to the shoemaker in Dickens’ A Tale of Two Cities.
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The stage dramas are getting extinguished from the society.It is a good news to see it coming back.

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its a good chance to get up in drama shows and have fun of resources also . now this is the time to show talent in drama.
Its a very good news because ,nowadays stage dramas are seen to become extinct which was one of our main art in the past.
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