A special collection of English translations of novels, poetry, essays and short stories written by Rabindranath Tagore and his biographies is on sale online as part of the Penguin Tagore Bookshelf presented by Penguin-Books India as part of his 150th birth anniversary commemoration.


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Perhaps it will give our young generation to know Tagore and his literary works in a better way.....I am very impressed with the efforts of Penguin-Books in this effort...
Doubtless a very laudable effort on the part of Penguin and I would also thank Abid for providing the link. Works of Tagore have an eternal and Universal relevance and people irrespective of their age can enrich their thoughts immensely by going through them.
Tagore's works are superb. I read some of his works in Hindi including the novel GORA. His works need translation in Hindi and Tamil also. Some time back, Sonia Gandhi described him as Shakespeare of Bengal. This is too narrow a compliment for Tagore. Tagore composed in Bengali but he is poet of nation, rather the world.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant


My late father was a Shakespearean scholar and I still remember how emotional and reverential he would get while evaluating Tagore's contributions to the world. He showed his genius in every field of literary acitivity and left his indeliable marks. Even in the twilight years when he took to painting he shone as brightly!
The works of Tagore has to be approved by the world and this will do it.

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The works of Tagore has to be approved by the world and this will do it.

Tagore works already acknowledged internationally. He was awarded knighthood by British Government for his poetic works but he refused to accept the title in view of Jallianwala massacre. Apart from a poet, he was a true patriot.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Thanks Gulshan for adding more on Tagore but the problem is more we say about him that's so less! He was a philosopher, a Visionary, a humanist and so on and on! When his father sent him to East Bengal then to manage their Zamindari, he was so moved to see their exploitation at the hands of local money-lenders he set up a bank to lend money!
The works of Tagore has to be approved by the world .I havent read anything,but had heard about him a lot.
THe works of Tagore are now ours only.So it must be spread every where.

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Accessibility is a key factor to spread the essence of our culture....Tagore's work is really worth sharing world wide.


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