It is a happy news that Somali pirates have freed Indian sailors and crew on board.

Piracy on high sea is very frequent. Govt. need to take steps to combat this.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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I also agree with Gulshan. I think The Govt. must take immediate steps to stop sea piracy.
A marine Engineer from my locality was also on the same ship and he is free now. But after hearing all this, my family is trying to stop me from filling forms for Marine engineering. Lets see if they permit.
A marine Engineer from my locality was also on the same ship and he is free now. But after hearing all this, my family is trying to stop me from filling forms for Marine engineering. Lets see if they permit.

There are risks in ship but these should not deter from job. My brother's brother in law worked for more than a decade in merchant shipping and he quit as Captain. Now he is working as a consultant in marine. My nephew is a marine engineer. He went several times on ship. One of my neighbor is also an ex captain in marine engineering. He is okay. In fact, there are risks every where. There is risk of accident even on road. Children are kidnapped while going to school. But we do not stop activities. If you are really interested in marine engineering, any such risk should not affect your decision.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Does the Indian govt care for the abducted sailors? check the link
The Government is seeing remedy against piracy by providing weapons on merchant ships. This may not suffice. There should be Indian navy combat ships patrolling in the vulnerable area. The best strategy will be to coordinate with other countries for united action against piracy.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Does the Indian govt care for the abducted sailors? check the link

Indian Government may be directly responsible for Indian ships. The Indian marine staff are working in ships of other countries also. In fact, there are more Indians on foreign merchant ships than Indian. We need to ensure security of all. This necessitates pooling or resources by all affected countries. There should be attempts in this direction.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

The Govt. is planning law for tackling piracy on sea.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Somali pirates attacked an Indian naval ship mistaking as mercant ship. They were countered and 61 captured.

The Government of India should strictly deal with these pirates and deal with them strictly.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

The Govt. are contemplating storming by Navy of hijacked ships with Indians on board. This is welcome as we must use of defense forces to defend our people and property.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Indian navy has again compelled the Somali pirates to kneel down.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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