Talwar couple to be tried for daughter's murder

Rajesh and Nupur Talwar were on Wednesday made an accused in the murder of their teenage daughter Aarushi by a special CBI court which rejected the agency’s closure report in the over two-year old double-murder case.

Judge Preeti Singh took cognisance of CBI’s closure report and issued summons to the parents to appear before her on February 28, making them accused on charges of murder, destruction of evidence, conspiracy and common intention to commit the crime.

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C.B.I. was sure of the culpability of the talwar couple but wanted to file closure report in absence of firm evidence. The talwar couples tried to play smart by challenging the C.B.I. report and landed in trouble.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Whatever be the practices , the truth will come one day out as God intends.

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Nupur Talwar has suddenly been made accused in daughter's murder why? Read further:


G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

But it is very hard to even think of the talwars killed their own daughter.
The CBI’s case diary have named four new witnesses. Have a look at the link,http://news.oneindia.in/2011/02/10/aarushi-case-cbi-named-4-new-witnesses-aid0116.html
I can't say what will be the outcome of this case but i failed understand one thing that what could be their motive of killing their only daughter....
kavita porwal wrote:
[quote]I can't say what will be the outcome of this case but i failed understand one thing that what could be their motive of killing their only daughter....[/quote]

The servant was also found murdered. The Talwar couple would have found some thing shameful and disgusting. So they killed the servant and their daughter both. There are many 'honor killings' of girls in Western U.P., Haryana, Frontier province of Pakistan. Nothing surprising.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I too suspect that it should be an act of honor killing. :( :( :(
It is simply a case of irresposible official.if they have the suspection on the couple they could have targeted them while investigation only and why didnt they check all the corners of the building on the day of murder..
Talwar's colleagues can provide clue. Only a few of them appeared before C.B.I.


G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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