I was under the impression that the Burmans were from Assam and what a revolution they brought into the music in Hindi film Industry right from the fifties onwards..
Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!
That was an Era. An Era of SD and RD. Both will remain in the annals of Indian Movie Music History for ever.
Yes, I heard Bhupen Hazarika. I srill remember his melody. " AAh AAh Oaali Aah.."
I was searching for this topic on Goggle and found a link of quora.com. Some have answered the query and among them one has included the name of Arnab Goswami because it's considered that he brought a revolution in journalism. The link:
A good link. This further established the fact SD and RD are among the personalities of NE States of India.
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