The LOK PAL Bill is shortly expected to be passed in Rajya Sabha after which anna will end his fast. However, AAP leader Kejriwal still says that Anna has been misguided. Apparently, the very base of AAP's existence gets shattered with the issue getting resolved. That is why Kejriwal does not want the issue die.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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Lok Pal Bill is very important and advantageous bill for all citizens of India. This bill must have been passed many months ago. The good news is that finally bill will be passed by the Rajya Sabha.
The LOK PAL Bill is shortly expected to be passed in Rajya Sabha after which anna will end his fast. However, AAP leader Kejriwal still says that Anna has been misguided. Apparently, the very base of AAP's existence gets shattered with the issue getting resolved. That is why Kejriwal does not want the issue die.

I don't think, AAP's survival is in jeopardy because of withdrawal of Hazare's agitation for LokPal. AAP won mainly because of misrule of Shiela Dixit and Congress, which is a universal discontentment hovering over the entire country.
Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
The LOK PAL Bill is shortly expected to be passed in Rajya Sabha after which anna will end his fast. However, AAP leader Kejriwal still says that Anna has been misguided. Apparently, the very base of AAP's existence gets shattered with the issue getting resolved. That is why Kejriwal does not want the issue die.
for good for sure, parliamentarians are developing drafts and will soon becomes law, as it is approved by leader of opposition, Anna and it seems a good bill, no bill is perfect.

The LOK PAL Bill is shortly expected to be passed in Rajya Sabha after which anna will end his fast. However, AAP leader Kejriwal still says that Anna has been misguided. Apparently, the very base of AAP's existence gets shattered with the issue getting resolved. That is why Kejriwal does not want the issue die.
for good for sure, parliamentarians are developing drafts and will soon becomes law, as it is approved by leader of opposition, Anna and it seems a good bill, no bill is perfect.

Yes, many parties are seeing flaws in the Lok Pal Bill. Anna himself said, it's al most as his proposals. But not in full. Anyhow, it's passing in Rajya Sabha will not upset AAP.
I too am of the opinion that Anna should not be going on agitating for Lokpal Bill. Let it be passed. If there are defects, they can be seen as time passes and can be corrected.
Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
The LOK PAL Bill is shortly expected to be passed in Rajya Sabha after which anna will end his fast. However, AAP leader Kejriwal still says that Anna has been misguided. Apparently, the very base of AAP's existence gets shattered with the issue getting resolved. That is why Kejriwal does not want the issue die.

I don't think, AAP's survival is in jeopardy because of withdrawal of Hazare's agitation for LokPal. AAP won mainly because of misrule of Shiela Dixit and Congress, which is a universal discontentment hovering over the entire country.

sheela's misrule woul d have benefited BJP and AAP both. The anna movement and anti corruption pro Lok Pal Bill agitation would have boosted AAP. But now with rift between team anna and AAP , the political scenerio is fast changing to disadvantage of Kejriwal and his team who are seen more as trouble shooters rather than positive constructive force.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

The LOK PAL Bill is shortly expected to be passed in Rajya Sabha after which anna will end his fast. However, AAP leader Kejriwal still says that Anna has been misguided. Apparently, the very base of AAP's existence gets shattered with the issue getting resolved. That is why Kejriwal does not want the issue die.

I don't think, AAP's survival is in jeopardy because of withdrawal of Hazare's agitation for LokPal. AAP won mainly because of misrule of Shiela Dixit and Congress, which is a universal discontentment hovering over the entire country.

sheela's misrule woul d have benefited BJP and AAP both. The anna movement and anti corruption pro Lok Pal Bill agitation would have boosted AAP. But now with rift between team anna and AAP , the political scenerio is fast changing to disadvantage of Kejriwal and his team who are seen more as trouble shooters rather than positive constructive force.

If that's so, AAP would be digging its own grave. They should stand to the expectations of the people who brought him to the present state of prominence.
I too am of the opinion that Anna should not be going on agitating for Lokpal Bill. Let it be passed. If there are defects, they can be seen as time passes and can be corrected.

I agree ! we need to take one step at a time and this is a positive outcome and one cannot hope for a huge step forward.We need to implement analyse and then bring in more changes if necessary...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
Every Indian wants Lok Pal Bill to be passed as soon as possible. All are presently happy to know that the bill has been finally passed by the Rajya Sabha. How can Kejriwal be so unhappy with the end of the issue?
The LOK PAL Bill is shortly expected to be passed in Rajya Sabha after which anna will end his fast. However, AAP leader Kejriwal still says that Anna has been misguided. Apparently, the very base of AAP's existence gets shattered with the issue getting resolved. That is why Kejriwal does not want the issue die.

Te bill has been passed in both the houses and will soon come into existence, AAP was not opposing but saying it was not enough. Now AAP is about to emerge as a tough competitor to every ruling party in coming years is right in its approach who will have to make amendments in this law to set things right in future. AAP is against corruption, not anyone in particular and that is its base.

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