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America is a country made largely of Immigrants from all over the world.Indian population in the USA is one of the largest and Sikh families have been living there for more than 4 or 5 decades so it is not as if people there are looking at Sikhs for the first time - What is happening now is an outburst of anger against Islamic terrorists who dared to cause so much damage to their country and they target anybody who has any resemblance to the terrorists ...

Most of the Americans also do not see the need to really understand the difference between Sikhs and Arabs, just because both communities wear beards and wear turbans, they are the same to Americans on surface, but there is a vast difference in both communities. But owing to their inherent prejudice against all Asians, they choose to remain ignorant. In the aftermath of 9/11 terrorist attack, it was the Sikhs in various parts of America who were under attacks for some time! :blink:

I suppose it was because they held on to their long hair and eards while the real terrirists and followers must have changed their own appearances and becone clean shaven therby not standing out like a sore thumb ! I know that most Americans know nothing beyond their own country and dont eben bother knowing anything beyond it ...But Sikhs are very much part of the scene , not as if they just happened now..

The Arabs and SIkhs both sport beards and long hair covered with turban, but the similarity ends there, there are too many obvious differences to tell them apart, but the Americans probably do not want to understand them!

Beards and long hairs actually covers more than half of the face of a person. It becomes difficult to recognise them. Therefore Americans have made cutting of beards and hairs compulsory. Moreover every soldiers should look similar. There will be no differentiation due to religion.
America is a country made largely of Immigrants from all over the world.Indian population in the USA is one of the largest and Sikh families have been living there for more than 4 or 5 decades so it is not as if people there are looking at Sikhs for the first time - What is happening now is an outburst of anger against Islamic terrorists who dared to cause so much damage to their country and they target anybody who has any resemblance to the terrorists ...

Most of the Americans also do not see the need to really understand the difference between Sikhs and Arabs, just because both communities wear beards and wear turbans, they are the same to Americans on surface, but there is a vast difference in both communities. But owing to their inherent prejudice against all Asians, they choose to remain ignorant. In the aftermath of 9/11 terrorist attack, it was the Sikhs in various parts of America who were under attacks for some time! :blink:

I suppose it was because they held on to their long hair and eards while the real terrirists and followers must have changed their own appearances and becone clean shaven therby not standing out like a sore thumb ! I know that most Americans know nothing beyond their own country and dont eben bother knowing anything beyond it ...But Sikhs are very much part of the scene , not as if they just happened now..

The Arabs and SIkhs both sport beards and long hair covered with turban, but the similarity ends there, there are too many obvious differences to tell them apart, but the Americans probably do not want to understand them!

Beards and long hairs actually covers more than half of the face of a person. It becomes difficult to recognise them. Therefore Americans have made cutting of beards and hairs compulsory. Moreover every soldiers should look similar. There will be no differentiation due to religion.
Civil and military are two separate lines, in military as you have correctly mentioned, all are equal and should look same, there is no harm in this law, as far my opinion is concerned, but there may be some disagreement to me on this front.

America is a country made largely of Immigrants from all over the world.Indian population in the USA is one of the largest and Sikh families have been living there for more than 4 or 5 decades so it is not as if people there are looking at Sikhs for the first time - What is happening now is an outburst of anger against Islamic terrorists who dared to cause so much damage to their country and they target anybody who has any resemblance to the terrorists ...

Most of the Americans also do not see the need to really understand the difference between Sikhs and Arabs, just because both communities wear beards and wear turbans, they are the same to Americans on surface, but there is a vast difference in both communities. But owing to their inherent prejudice against all Asians, they choose to remain ignorant. In the aftermath of 9/11 terrorist attack, it was the Sikhs in various parts of America who were under attacks for some time! :blink:

I suppose it was because they held on to their long hair and eards while the real terrirists and followers must have changed their own appearances and becone clean shaven therby not standing out like a sore thumb ! I know that most Americans know nothing beyond their own country and dont eben bother knowing anything beyond it ...But Sikhs are very much part of the scene , not as if they just happened now..

The Arabs and SIkhs both sport beards and long hair covered with turban, but the similarity ends there, there are too many obvious differences to tell them apart, but the Americans probably do not want to understand them!

Beards and long hairs actually covers more than half of the face of a person. It becomes difficult to recognise them. Therefore Americans have made cutting of beards and hairs compulsory. Moreover every soldiers should look similar. There will be no differentiation due to religion.
Civil and military are two separate lines, in military as you have correctly mentioned, all are equal and should look same, there is no harm in this law, as far my opinion is concerned, but there may be some disagreement to me on this front.

Actually civilians should not be forced to do so. May be Americans want to depot them back to their nation. This can be the reason behind such happenings.
America is a country made largely of Immigrants from all over the world.Indian population in the USA is one of the largest and Sikh families have been living there for more than 4 or 5 decades so it is not as if people there are looking at Sikhs for the first time - What is happening now is an outburst of anger against Islamic terrorists who dared to cause so much damage to their country and they target anybody who has any resemblance to the terrorists ...

Most of the Americans also do not see the need to really understand the difference between Sikhs and Arabs, just because both communities wear beards and wear turbans, they are the same to Americans on surface, but there is a vast difference in both communities. But owing to their inherent prejudice against all Asians, they choose to remain ignorant. In the aftermath of 9/11 terrorist attack, it was the Sikhs in various parts of America who were under attacks for some time! :blink:

I suppose it was because they held on to their long hair and eards while the real terrirists and followers must have changed their own appearances and becone clean shaven therby not standing out like a sore thumb ! I know that most Americans know nothing beyond their own country and dont eben bother knowing anything beyond it ...But Sikhs are very much part of the scene , not as if they just happened now..

The Arabs and SIkhs both sport beards and long hair covered with turban, but the similarity ends there, there are too many obvious differences to tell them apart, but the Americans probably do not want to understand them!

Beards and long hairs actually covers more than half of the face of a person. It becomes difficult to recognise them. Therefore Americans have made cutting of beards and hairs compulsory. Moreover every soldiers should look similar. There will be no differentiation due to religion.
Civil and military are two separate lines, in military as you have correctly mentioned, all are equal and should look same, there is no harm in this law, as far my opinion is concerned, but there may be some disagreement to me on this front.

The Sikhs in Indian army and some other armies are allowed to wear turban and grow beard. Even Pakistani army allows Sikhs religious distiction. U.S.A. is a multi racial and multi racial country. They should also allow Sikh soldiers to maintain their religious identity while adhering to other norms.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

America is a country made largely of Immigrants from all over the world.Indian population in the USA is one of the largest and Sikh families have been living there for more than 4 or 5 decades so it is not as if people there are looking at Sikhs for the first time - What is happening now is an outburst of anger against Islamic terrorists who dared to cause so much damage to their country and they target anybody who has any resemblance to the terrorists ...

Most of the Americans also do not see the need to really understand the difference between Sikhs and Arabs, just because both communities wear beards and wear turbans, they are the same to Americans on surface, but there is a vast difference in both communities. But owing to their inherent prejudice against all Asians, they choose to remain ignorant. In the aftermath of 9/11 terrorist attack, it was the Sikhs in various parts of America who were under attacks for some time! :blink:

I suppose it was because they held on to their long hair and eards while the real terrirists and followers must have changed their own appearances and becone clean shaven therby not standing out like a sore thumb ! I know that most Americans know nothing beyond their own country and dont eben bother knowing anything beyond it ...But Sikhs are very much part of the scene , not as if they just happened now..

The Arabs and SIkhs both sport beards and long hair covered with turban, but the similarity ends there, there are too many obvious differences to tell them apart, but the Americans probably do not want to understand them!

Beards and long hairs actually covers more than half of the face of a person. It becomes difficult to recognise them. Therefore Americans have made cutting of beards and hairs compulsory. Moreover every soldiers should look similar. There will be no differentiation due to religion.
Civil and military are two separate lines, in military as you have correctly mentioned, all are equal and should look same, there is no harm in this law, as far my opinion is concerned, but there may be some disagreement to me on this front.

The Sikhs in Indian army and some other armies are allowed to wear turban and grow beard. Even Pakistani army allows Sikhs religious distiction. U.S.A. is a multi racial and multi racial country. They should also allow Sikh soldiers to maintain their religious identity while adhering to other norms.

First of all I doubt if there are many or any Sikh soldiers serving in the US army, and even if they do , they have to follow the rules of the nation...As for the general public there is no such thing as facial hair not being allowed because you find all kinds of people growing hair in eevery form possible ...It is the combination of our brown skin and facial hair and long tresses that stand out and Americans being quite a ignorant people attack without thnking twice.Of course such people are in a minority !

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

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