An unusual price rise in the onions made Onions as the robbing money. Gold is no more lucrative.
Three men stopped a truck laden with onions on the main road from Jaipur to New Delhi and fled away only to be caught by the police later.
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Ha, ha what the state we are into, now people are looting onions, things to ponder in times to come, sometimes, it gives an impression that we are living in Tokyo or New York, as per cost experience.

Ha, ha what the state we are into, now people are looting onions, things to ponder in times to come, sometimes, it gives an impression that we are living in Tokyo or New York, as per cost experience.

I feel hard days are ahead, We have to carry a cart load of Rupees to buy a match box.
I also feel that it is safer to rob of onions rather than gold. Onion is needed for food and there can be no allegation of smuggling.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

An unusual price rise in the onions made Onions as the robbing money. Gold is no more lucrative.
Three men stopped a truck laden with onions on the main road from Jaipur to New Delhi and fled away only to be caught by the police later.

I will still prefer gold to onions because I do not know how to drive a truck with confidence. Gold is safe to flee with on a mobike itself. In our area many are earning big in this business.

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An unusual price rise in the onions made Onions as the robbing money. Gold is no more lucrative.
Three men stopped a truck laden with onions on the main road from Jaipur to New Delhi and fled away only to be caught by the police later.

I will still prefer gold to onions because I do not know how to drive a truck with confidence. Gold is safe to flee with on a mobike itself. In our area many are earning big in this business.

Every one will prefer gold to loot. Onion loot is more a joke. Possibly one may loot anything when there is opportunity. The onion truck was available to loot.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

An unusual price rise in the onions made Onions as the robbing money. Gold is no more lucrative.
Three men stopped a truck laden with onions on the main road from Jaipur to New Delhi and fled away only to be caught by the police later.

I will still prefer gold to onions because I do not know how to drive a truck with confidence. Gold is safe to flee with on a mobike itself. In our area many are earning big in this business.

Every one will prefer gold to loot. Onion loot is more a joke. Possibly one may loot anything when there is opportunity. The onion truck was available to loot.

A day will come any food stuff as small as bitter gourd may go with heavy escort of armed guards. We did not dream that one day a simple veg like onion will be looted.
An unusual price rise in the onions made Onions as the robbing money. Gold is no more lucrative.
Three men stopped a truck laden with onions on the main road from Jaipur to New Delhi and fled away only to be caught by the police later.

I will still prefer gold to onions because I do not know how to drive a truck with confidence. Gold is safe to flee with on a mobike itself. In our area many are earning big in this business.

Every one will prefer gold to loot. Onion loot is more a joke. Possibly one may loot anything when there is opportunity. The onion truck was available to loot.

A day will come any food stuff as small as bitter gourd may go with heavy escort of armed guards. We did not dream that one day a simple veg like onion will be looted.

Then security will be highly disproportionate to cost. So people may risk the theft rather than security expenses. Perhaps insurance companies may seek opportunity in insuring onions and tomato . :ohmy: :ohmy:

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Thank you said by: rambabu
An unusual price rise in the onions made Onions as the robbing money. Gold is no more lucrative.
Three men stopped a truck laden with onions on the main road from Jaipur to New Delhi and fled away only to be caught by the police later.

I will still prefer gold to onions because I do not know how to drive a truck with confidence. Gold is safe to flee with on a mobike itself. In our area many are earning big in this business.

Every one will prefer gold to loot. Onion loot is more a joke. Possibly one may loot anything when there is opportunity. The onion truck was available to loot.

Reminds me of a famous poem written in Hindi by a famous poet that read
Pure Ghee was 1.25 kg per Rupee in our grandfather's time
3 Rs a kg in our father's time
in our times it is 40/ a Kg (The poem is as old as 30 years)
Our children will have it for 5 Rs per 10 gm
and grandchildren will have a smell of Ghee for Rs 5/

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An unusual price rise in the onions made Onions as the robbing money. Gold is no more lucrative.
Three men stopped a truck laden with onions on the main road from Jaipur to New Delhi and fled away only to be caught by the police later.

I will still prefer gold to onions because I do not know how to drive a truck with confidence. Gold is safe to flee with on a mobike itself. In our area many are earning big in this business.

Every one will prefer gold to loot. Onion loot is more a joke. Possibly one may loot anything when there is opportunity. The onion truck was available to loot.

A day will come any food stuff as small as bitter gourd may go with heavy escort of armed guards. We did not dream that one day a simple veg like onion will be looted.

Then security will be highly disproportionate to cost. So people may risk the theft rather than security expenses. Perhaps insurance companies may seek opportunity in insuring onions and tomato . :ohmy: :ohmy:

You have exactly envisaged the future. Here in AP cartoonists already released cartoons with the captions, "Onion Loans from the Nationalized banks" and "Just one time Premium to save your onions" mirroring your views.
Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
An unusual price rise in the onions made Onions as the robbing money. Gold is no more lucrative.
Three men stopped a truck laden with onions on the main road from Jaipur to New Delhi and fled away only to be caught by the police later.

I will still prefer gold to onions because I do not know how to drive a truck with confidence. Gold is safe to flee with on a mobike itself. In our area many are earning big in this business.

Every one will prefer gold to loot. Onion loot is more a joke. Possibly one may loot anything when there is opportunity. The onion truck was available to loot.

A day will come any food stuff as small as bitter gourd may go with heavy escort of armed guards. We did not dream that one day a simple veg like onion will be looted.

Then security will be highly disproportionate to cost. So people may risk the theft rather than security expenses. Perhaps insurance companies may seek opportunity in insuring onions and tomato . :ohmy: :ohmy:

You have exactly envisaged the future. Here in AP cartoonists already released cartoons with the captions, "Onion Loans from the Nationalized banks" and "Just one time Premium to save your onions" mirroring your views.

Cartoonists, poets and other artists see more than normal can even dream. There is a proverb- Jahan na jaye ravi vahan jaye kavi (A poet reaches even where Sun does not)

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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