This is the really fact which came in to existence after the death of Kalpana Chawla. Nasa knows that the people in space ship will die. But they did not even told to the space shettlers.

This video is in telugu but the answer is when space ship launching there is a breakage in the ship and broked some part of the ship which killed 7 people.

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This is the really fact which came in to existence after the death of Kalpana Chawla. Nasa knows that the people in space ship will die. But they did not even told to the space shettlers.

This video is in telugu but the answer is when space ship launching there is a breakage in the ship and broked some part of the ship which killed 7 people.

The Video says that NASA was aware of the imminent death of the crew 16 days before the Columbia shuttle. The million Dollar question is Why NASA did not reveal and stop the mission. It's not clear.
This is the really fact which came in to existence after the death of Kalpana Chawla. Nasa knows that the people in space ship will die. But they did not even told to the space shettlers.

This video is in telugu but the answer is when space ship launching there is a breakage in the ship and broked some part of the ship which killed 7 people.

How come NASA allowed the mission to continue despite knowing the fact.
This is really shocking how can NASA be so selfish. :evil:

How can some one do that. :evil:
This is really shocking how can NASA be so selfish. :evil:

How can some one do that. :evil:

If NASA has prevented this, there would have lot of informations about space by now. She is a wonderful astronaut.
These people are so selfish since they do not value others' lives but keep their own interests on top of every thing else.

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These people are so selfish since they do not value others' lives but keep their own interests on top of every thing else.

These authorities believe that the value of heir interests is much more higher than value of human life which can never be true.
This is really shocking how can NASA be so selfish. :evil:

How can some one do that. :evil:

If NASA has prevented this, there would have lot of informations about space by now. She is a wonderful astronaut.

By allowing Kalpana and other astronauts to get killed, What NASA would gain? The information what you said need not come through Kalpana alone. The Columbia was transmitting all the information every minute to the NASA through Satellite cameras.
This is really shocking how can NASA be so selfish. :evil:

How can some one do that. :evil:

If NASA has prevented this, there would have lot of informations about space by now. She is a wonderful astronaut.

By allowing Kalpana and other astronauts to get killed, What NASA would gain? The information what you said need not come through Kalpana alone. The Columbia was transmitting all the information every minute to the NASA through Satellite cameras.

I can give you its English version to decide for yourself- cheers;_ylu=X3oDMTBxc2FtN2pwBHBvcwMyBHNlYwNzYwRjb2xvA3NrMV9pbnRs/SIG=13ctdvlcj/EXP=1364403158/**

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I can give you its English version to decide for yourself- cheers;_ylu=X3oDMTBxc2FtN2pwBHBvcwMyBHNlYwNzYwRjb2xvA3NrMV9pbnRs/SIG=13ctdvlcj/EXP=1364403158/**

NASA cant help it out. Though it might be a sad end, nothing can be done about it.

I can give you its English version to decide for yourself- cheers;_ylu=X3oDMTBxc2FtN2pwBHBvcwMyBHNlYwNzYwRjb2xvA3NrMV9pbnRs/SIG=13ctdvlcj/EXP=1364403158/**

NASA cant help it out. Though it might be a sad end, nothing can be done about it.

The question is What NASA is going to gain by suppressing the fact that the crew will die and the Columbia will crash?
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