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Hey, now I am taking a chance to start a new word. Let me begin with "AT".
Hey, now I am taking a chance to start a new word. Let me begin with "AT".

My new word is TAP
Hey, now I am taking a chance to start a new word. Let me begin with "AT".

My new word is TAP

Add 's' in beginning so as to make new word 'strap'.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Hey, now I am taking a chance to start a new word. Let me begin with "AT".

My new word is TAP

Add 's' in beginning so as to make new word 'strap'.

According to the rule you can add only one letter at a time. So I am continuing from the previous word TAP. I am adding R to make it RAPT
I am adding and make ARPIT
Hey, now I am taking a chance to start a new word. Let me begin with "AT".

My new word is TAP

Add 's' in beginning so as to make new word 'strap'.

According to the rule you can add only one letter at a time. So I am continuing from the previous word TAP. I am adding R to make it RAPT

My new word is PARTY
Hey, now I am taking a chance to start a new word. Let me begin with "AT".

My new word is TAP

Add 's' in beginning so as to make new word 'strap'.

According to the rule you can add only one letter at a time. So I am continuing from the previous word TAP. I am adding R to make it RAPT

My new word is PARTY

I am adding an I to make it PARITY

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

I am adding an I to make it PARITY

Thats an end. Starting with Pin as a new word.

I am adding an I to make it PARITY

Thats an end. Starting with Pin as a new word.

My new word is PINT
I add 'R' and new word is PRINT.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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