Rape victim's friend speaks on TV, case filed against Zee



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Rape victim's friend speaks on TV, case filed against Zee


This is how all our systems work. Erratic, irresponsible, 'Who cares attitude. Zee being one of the top and responsible news channels should have known its responsibility in binding to the rules.
Media (i.e. TV, radio, internet & newspaper) has a very important & crucial role to play in such cases. Media has the power to make the public aware of all the good & bad things.
Media can change the vintage point of any news.
All news should be telecast / highlighted / published after closely understanding the impact of it, both positively & negatively.

The same behaviour was by media (specially TV) during the 26/11 terrorist attack on mumbai.
I hope all media related education syllabus already includes such rules.
Media should use its power properly.

On the other hand, recent Delhi rape case, Its the right of the victim or his friend to speak out to public to the happenings during this shameful act.

I didn't understand why police filed the case against ZEE channel instead of hanging or punishing the rapist.

Thank you said by: Sandhya Rani
Rape victim's friend speaks on TV, case filed against Zee


Honestly I am not sure how to react to this....On the one hand here is a distressed young man wanting to share what happened on the day of rape since he too was involved and on the other hand more than even the father and parents of the victim, the police and the government seems to be determined not to disclose the name of the girl....

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Rape victim's friend speaks on TV, case filed against Zee


Honestly I am not sure how to react to this....On the one hand here is a distressed young man wanting to share what happened on the day of rape since he too was involved and on the other hand more than even the father and parents of the victim, the police and the government seems to be determined not to disclose the name of the girl....

I am not surprised at all! This government is infinitely capable of committing silliest of acts which is bound to puzzle and baffle the civilized world. As an interesting sidelight ,I may add that an MLA of Assam of the century-old august political party was caught in the act the other day and liberally thrashed with shoes and lathis by the men and womenfolk both - hats off to them!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Before filing case first give punishment to rapists. This will be right step.

Should punish the rapists, without making so much of delay.

Rape victim's friend speaks on TV, case filed against Zee


Honestly I am not sure how to react to this....On the one hand here is a distressed young man wanting to share what happened on the day of rape since he too was involved and on the other hand more than even the father and parents of the victim, the police and the government seems to be determined not to disclose the name of the girl....

Nothing wrong with the individuals expressing their views and sentiments. But media should see that what is aired is according to law.and public interest.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Rape victim's friend speaks on TV, case filed against Zee


Honestly I am not sure how to react to this....On the one hand here is a distressed young man wanting to share what happened on the day of rape since he too was involved and on the other hand more than even the father and parents of the victim, the police and the government seems to be determined not to disclose the name of the girl....

I am not surprised at all! This government is infinitely capable of committing silliest of acts which is bound to puzzle and baffle the civilized world. As an interesting sidelight ,I may add that an MLA of Assam of the century-old august political party was caught in the act the other day and liberally thrashed with shoes and lathis by the men and womenfolk both - hats off to them!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

In fact yesterday I uploaded a picture of that MLA being hit by women and paraded, am not sure where ? I hope people wake up at least now and once they show that they too are paret of the society, things will automatically set right at least to a certain extent...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Now the victim's father has also revealed her name in an interview to a daily.

Live in the present :)
I wonder why still that girl is kept hidden under some blanket. she is a brave girl who fought courageously till death took her. We all respect her a lot and see her as a member of our family. Only a criminal needs to hide his head, not a respectable girl like Damini. When everyone tries to hide her identity it appears as if she has committed some mistake. Let those rapists hide their heads and name, not that brave girl. In a country like India where girl herself assumes her to be a sinner once she is raped by some unknown person without her permission, she stood up with courage and desired to live in this world. so, why should her identity be hidden? so, is her friend

truth is that government fears the public. If such news appears in TV channels people won't sit quiet. that's the reason.

Meera sandhu
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