12 years ago
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12 years ago
kids are really wonderful future for us. They have huge talent in them. Cheer leader gives more attention because of few assets which these possess. :P :P
Want to make each day Accountable
12 years ago
woogie boogie kids also dance well......
actually, kids dance better than adults
actually, kids dance better than adults
Meera sandhu
12 years ago
Now a days kids are so clevered and their IQ is more when compared to us. They are marvelous.
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12 years ago
woogie boogie kids also dance well......
actually, kids dance better than adults
I hope that show should come up again. Now it is not broadcasted.
Want to make each day Accountable
12 years ago
Kids are more talented and better then adults, when encouraged and taught then they will be perfect
12 years ago
In ' India's got Talent' we saw many children coming and showing their talent. They were miraculous and the pair that won the competition were brilliant.
Want to make each day Accountable
12 years ago
woogie boogie kids also dance well......
actually, kids dance better than adults
That's because of their ability to grasp quickly and agility.
12 years ago
woogie boogie kids also dance well......
actually, kids dance better than adults
I hope that show should come up again. Now it is not broadcasted.
Boogie- Woogie is good dance show. Now Dance India Dance is popular
12 years ago
Kids are very talented now a days.I often watch the dance India dance show of kids and their performance are really good.They just can stand side by side of an adult dancer.
Sharmistha Banerjee
12 years ago
Kids are being very talented as they catch everything very quickly. They can concentrate in one matter.
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