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Yes She will stay there four months. This is very strange na?
We are proud of you Sunita Williams!! Keep rocking India in entire universe!! :)

Software Engineers never die...They just go offline.
We are proud of you Sunita Williams!! Keep rocking India in entire universe!! :)

But she is American now!!!
We are proud of you Sunita Williams!! Keep rocking India in entire universe!! :)

But she is American now!!!

Yeah she is American yet an Indian i think her mother or father is an INDIAN. :)
For me she is Sunita, I did not read Williams. :) :)

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Sunita Williams has safely returns from the space and was quite happy with her travel.she has proved that women can do what they want.I am proud of her.

Sharmistha Banerjee
Woh! that's too good. We are proud of her. I really love reading such news.
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