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13 years ago
'Ship' is female gender. Obviously, there is no male equivalent.
No Sir.....
Actually I expected you or Chinmayjee to answer it in a fraction of a second. :(
It is very simple...may be a funny question.....not sure.
I have further modified my answer. This may not be funny but this is informative. Besides, 'better half' is always female.
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
13 years ago
'Ship' is female gender. Obviously, there is no male equivalent.
Besides, the words 'Earth', 'Nature' are used only as female gender. We say- Mother nature', 'Mother Earth' and never in masculine form.
;) Not reached yet. I am sure, I will get its answer from you :)
Meera sandhu
13 years ago
'Ship' is female gender. Obviously, there is no male equivalent.
Besides, the words 'Earth', 'Nature' are used only as female gender. We say- Mother nature', 'Mother Earth' and never in masculine form.
;) Not reached yet. I am sure, I will get its answer from you :)
'Better half' (wife) has no male gender.
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
13 years ago
Can you find one word/noun that has only female gender....no male gender? :cheer:
It's just a game :P
Okay, I give-up tell me now. Because this is enough of guessing.
13 years ago
Can you find one word/noun that has only female gender....no male gender? :cheer:
It's just a game :P
Okay, I give-up tell me now. Because this is enough of guessing.
Let Chinmoyjee try a bit.
I don't want to make all of you fools :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Meera sandhu
13 years ago
Can you find one word/noun that has only female gender....no male gender? :cheer:
It's just a game :P
Okay, I give-up tell me now. Because this is enough of guessing.
Let Chinmoyjee try a bit.
I don't want to make all of you fools :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
No one makes any one fool, only God has power to do that. We are ready made fools. Tell now.
13 years ago
Can you find one word/noun that has only female gender....no male gender? :cheer:
It's just a game :P
Okay, I give-up tell me now. Because this is enough of guessing.
Let Chinmoyjee try a bit.
I don't want to make all of you fools :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
No one makes any one fool, only God has power to do that. We are ready made fools. Tell now.
Let me see how Chinmoyjee responds....
Only two intelligent males are among our group :P
Meera sandhu
13 years ago
13 years ago
Can you find one word/noun that has only female gender....no male gender? :cheer:
It's just a game :P
Okay, I give-up tell me now. Because this is enough of guessing.
Let Chinmoyjee try a bit.
I don't want to make all of you fools :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
No one makes any one fool, only God has power to do that. We are ready made fools. Tell now.
Let me see how Chinmoyjee responds....
Only two intelligent males are among our group :P
Okay, then wait for the wise guys. I am off to your childish posts till then, there are enough of them here. :evil:
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