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I wonder what Baba Ramadev is going to do in the field of Politics!!! :dry: :dry:
Both Congress and BJP should worry if they had done wrong.Good thing.

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Baba Ramdev would better launch a massive movement for clean and honest politics rather than himself entering the arena. It is more important to educate and enlighten the voters than entering electoral politics.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Let us see how Ramdev Baba is going to cleansen politics..Though he may be good in yoga, it is new area he has entered.
gulshan kumar ajmani wrote:
[quote]Baba Ramdev would better launch a massive movement for clean and honest politics rather than himself entering the arena. It is more important to educate and enlighten the voters than entering electoral politics.[/quote]
I Think, that's what he is doing.
I completely agree with Aman's mature views.If he sees himself as a crusader let him launch this movement to raise public awareness.
I think one of the important qualities of a successful person is courage and Baba Ramdev has shown he has it, so to me, he has cleared his first test in politics.Those who sit by the side of the sea and talk about the tempest can never dream of becoming a captain of a ship.It is only through healthy politics that we shall be able to clean dirty politics,so I welcome Baba Ramdev's decision to enter politics.
Politics is like this.Today's friend tomorrows enemy and viceversa.

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I don't think any saint or baba should have any direct role in politics and history is in my support. Certain roles even indirect are more powerful than the direct ones.Swami Vivekananda and his views are as relevant as powerful amongst the youth today as ever.Even I am disappointed with the role played by his disciples today.Swami raised his strong voice against the ills which afflicted society in his time but his followers seem to be more happy rubbing shoulders with powers that be today!
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