What do you need to know to set up a network?
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what is a gateway? how can we use gateway ? is there any specific device? Is there any simulator for gateway? B)
what is the difference between C and ANSI C ? How can i Use TRY and CATCH command in TURBO C ?
what is meant by 0 day software? from where can we get that softwares?
how can we boot a image file(iso and nrg )file without burning in CD/DVD?
I s there any provider for Free domain registration and web hosting ?
what is the technical steps required for data transmission from server to server via a router and switch?
TCP is reliable in communication whereas IP is Non-reliable. Why it is integrated into one and given as TCP/IP protocol?
Which protocol is used to communicate between client and ISP?
What are the data units at different layers of the TCP / IP protocol suite?
What is the difference between TFTP and FTP application layer protocols?
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