I am thinking about dumping my old computer and assembling a new one. How much will it cost, if I am not buying speakers and sound card again?
I wish to assembly with original mother board and Pentium processor.
Any other suggestions?

Meera sandhu
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it depends upon the configuration you selects. Let us know what configuration you have selected.?

it depends upon the configuration you selects. Let us know what configuration you have selected.?

I have not decided it yet. I will let you know, when I decide it.

Meera sandhu
To know all parts price try this site. It may help you to calculate the price.


Thank you for your kind reply

Meera sandhu
Thank you for your kind reply

sandhya, you may better use 'thank you' button on left side bottom of every post for simple reply. As this also consider as spamming.

Standard PC of core 2 dua with penntium mother board and hard disc 2gb ram approximately 25000 will be the cost.

I think do not go for assembling new computer better to buy branded piece . You can select Dell.

Santosh Kumar Singh



I think do not go for assembling new computer better to buy branded piece . You can select Dell.

santosh ji, few friends of mine saying that Dell produce more heat comparing to others!
Is it true!?

I think, buying new will cost more, comparing to assembled one

Meera sandhu
I am using assembled pc and it is working perfectly.In assemble you can choose as you wish but in brand no option to choose.

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