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Can I update my published articles?
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I think once it have been submitted can not be updated. You can submit it again and the duplicate will automatically rejected.
Sita Kalyani you cannot update your already published articles. If you want to publish updates, then make an article and publish as new article.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

You cannot update your articles once it is submitted. If you need to update you can write article again and publish as part 2 or new article with other different heading.

You can update your article and send a message to maverick for giving more cash points as well.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

You can update your article and send a message to maverick for giving more cash points as well.

Gulshan ji, Is it possible to update our submitted article?? If so, its good to know this.

You can update your article and send a message to maverick for giving more cash points as well.

Gulshan ji, Is it possible to update our submitted article?? If so, its good to know this.

Generally, submitted article is final. It is best to write an article after careful thought. when you have some new idea, a fresh article can be submitted.

However, you may use 'edit' button in your published article and amend the article. Thereafter, you may write to admin for review of the article and give more points or cash. This is rare and not normal practice.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

even i wanted to make some changes to my recently published article....but i think writing fresh article is a better way......

Yes we can update article and cash credits can be raised on it but I prefer to write new article rather than edit the earlier one.
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the answer of this query is writing new article

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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