What is target of death?

Santosh Kumar Singh



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Death is just end of life. Life and its termination are natural process. All things- living or inanimate go through decay, depreciation, efficiency loss process and ultimately end.

There is no object of natural events. Moreover, who can tell the object? Only one who is doer can tell. In case of suicide, you may probe why the life was ended. But in case of natural death, it is not possible. How can some one say why he dies. If you believe that God gives life and takes it, He alone may tell. Not we.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

death is also a procedure of life created by god that everyhuman who takes birth on earth will die one day.
[quote]death is also a procedure of life created by god that everyhuman who takes birth on earth will die one day.[/quote]
Nice explanation Isha Thank you.

Its creation of god every one must face it.That is a natural process we cant stop it.

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The target of death is nothing but end of life and then start other birth which god assign us

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

The target is nothing but new beginning or anything should have end.
As we have no direct role in death, it is not possible to tell death target.In fact, various health schemes and rescue missions in natural calamities target to save lives.

But it appears that death serve an important purpose. It is necessary to weed out the old to make place for new. As we have more births and less deaths, our population is increasing and we face many problems. Suppose that nobody had died since dawn of human race, what would be the population and how we would live. In fact, births replace deaths.

To sum up, making way for new is the object of death.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I think target of death is new birth but we do not what we will be in next birth so determine exact target is impossible.

Santosh Kumar Singh



yes, target of death is new birth.But by thinking about new birth we should not think about death because we may have new birth or may not

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

I think there is new birth concept in the world but should we get man life again its very big doubt.

Santosh Kumar Singh



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