As per my understanding

There are three ways to create a data-driven test: use data from a flat file, use data from a data table, or use data from a database.

Flat File – Data must be saved in a pre-determined format and is read from the file using file manipulation commands and assigned to variables.
Data Table – Similar to the flat file method but data is usually stored in a Microsoft Excel file.
Database – Similar to the previous methods except test data is saved in the database.

Please review it and confirm my understanding.

Thanks & Regards,
Bibhas Kumar Senapati
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Very good discussion with a lot of idea about data storage.
thnx buddy...
could you please tell me how can i upload my photo in this site.
u can visit my blog

Thanks & Regards,
Bibhas Kumar Senapati
Good information on automated testing techniques. To change or upload you picture.Goto Community tab> click profile tab> In the menu select change profile picture option. I hope this will work.
Thank you for your information.
please add yourself to my blog , so that i can enhance my blog with your feedback.

Thanks & Regards,
Bibhas Kumar Senapati
@ Bibhas

Can you tell us what is your blog about and its url then we can add in it and let you know the feed back of it

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

This is really a very good information shared about the data driven test.
thanks for sharimg this valuable inforation about data storage.
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