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it is not always happen parents sometimes not admire the act of their child to avoid the feel of proud in their children but they really appreciate their child by heart or in front of others.
They are scolded because the children will do some silly things that the parents may get angry so they scold them.
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@ Sarala
Some parents would initially resist but later they tend to mellow their stand and finally to accept!
I think it is nothing but a question of generation gap where parents try to control their child through their age old method and modern children take it adversely and something beyond their self respect and dignity!!! :)

I do agree with you Abid , but love should be for certain extend if it increases beyond the limit then life will be hell.

Yes , excess love makes them good for nothing.Scolding with love is necessary!!! :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

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parent are the god for the child they scold her because they want to bring him on a right path in a life so they achieve all the sucess in their life.
Scolding is the outcome of love and caring in one way.They want their people to be a good one in the society.
parents only aim to stop their children from ill works thats why they scold them.
Parents love their children i agree with this and they dont want their children do ill work so they scold. But loving is not only good for them they should simultaneously understand their children.then that will be a successful relation between parents and children
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Now with your first cheque earned from boddunan - no more scolding from your parents!
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