14 years ago
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14 years ago
We people cannot take any such steps.Better to reduce conception to save our pockets.
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14 years ago
First, we should reduce our demand by using public transport or sharing transport. Reduced demand will lead to decrease in prices. Reduction of central government duty and sale tax by state governments can reduce prices.
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
14 years ago
The effective way is by reducing the wasting of diesel or domestic gas.For example,we can use Microwave ovens alternatively for cooking purposes.
14 years ago
First I would like ruthless reduction in the number of cars which follow our high and mighty ministers!! Second have variable rates for petro products.The owners of big and swanky cars must be made to pay the true price of them!!
14 years ago
Prize should be varaible according to the consumers.Those who need more should also be charged more!!
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14 years ago
By reducing demands would not reduce the price because demands are increasing day by day , it would not stop just becoz as population increases so consumption is....it would have no end..
14 years ago
First of all we must decrese in buying them we all must edit to natural products like solar etc we need to use them automatically the prices will decrease
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14 years ago
I am going with the idea that the more the need, higher the price to be pay. As there is no other option to reduce our demands of petrol and gas which have become a daily essentials.However, if alternative resources are available people can change automatically.
14 years ago
Whatever resource is scarce has to be used judiously that is what old wisdom says which seems to have lost on this government!!
14 years ago
the first step to reduce prices is to eliminate tax....taxes takes up most of our money!
Swetha Shenoy
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