14 years ago
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14 years ago
The urge of getting quick success in life often makes one selfish...
14 years ago
May be the thought of losing something and not getting it back makes one selfish
14 years ago
Selfishness is natural. Every animal on Earth including humans are selfish by nature. This is nature's shield to animal world against perils. It is instinct of self protection and advancement that gives protection and helps advancement in all fields. All that we need to ensure is not to play foul and act according to law.
Selfishness is essentially attachment to 'self'. This cannot be removed. This can only be widened. The concept 'self' consists of identifying what is my, mine. Narrowest concept is purely indvidualistic. This may be widened to 'my family', 'my city','my province' 'my nation', 'my Earth'. These concepts give rise to feelings of individualism, family politics, provincialism, nationalism and patriotism. If we appreciate this concept, we shall find that even the great martyrs were selfish. They fought for 'my country'. There is hardly any revolutionary who would die for some other country.
Let us widen the scope of self and work for 'my country' and not only for 'myself', 'my family' or 'my province'.
Selfishness is essentially attachment to 'self'. This cannot be removed. This can only be widened. The concept 'self' consists of identifying what is my, mine. Narrowest concept is purely indvidualistic. This may be widened to 'my family', 'my city','my province' 'my nation', 'my Earth'. These concepts give rise to feelings of individualism, family politics, provincialism, nationalism and patriotism. If we appreciate this concept, we shall find that even the great martyrs were selfish. They fought for 'my country'. There is hardly any revolutionary who would die for some other country.
Let us widen the scope of self and work for 'my country' and not only for 'myself', 'my family' or 'my province'.
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
14 years ago
The unnecessary urge to become number one by anyway makes one selfish
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14 years ago
Every one become selfish in life because of ego and other factors affecting that person at that time
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14 years ago
necessity of completeness of one's wishes makes the person selfish.
14 years ago
Excessive love of oneself what is known as 'narcissism' could be the possible reason!
14 years ago
Lack of sharing habit, thinking always about one's benefit are a few things that aids in the growth of selfish habit and makes one selfish to the extent of beyond repairable or recoverable...
14 years ago
We are all selfish to a certain extent….I think the person loose love and care since childhood, So they grew up with all selfish matters.
14 years ago
According to me,the fear of losing something makes one selfish.
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