Do children labour is well protected under law?
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Sadly no! When look around there are enough reasons to feel depressed.Even exisiting laws are poorly implemented or not at all implemented!
Every where we see children even of age group below 8 are working!Very sad condition.

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No, not at all. Infact child labour laws are created just for name sake. Under different laws child labour is prohibited, starting from Factories Act, Mines Act, Migrant labour Act etc. but still children works everywhere.
Making good laws is not enough and Indian legislators rank very high in passing well-meaning laws but there is none to oversse its working on the ground!
In my home town i have seen so many children working under the age of 14 yr..
Our laws against child labour is not good enough to prevent it......
I believe child labor is neither well protected nor well implemented by law..
There is no problem with law. Law in every matter is good. The issue is corruption. The labor department staff/ inspectors get bribe and so do not do their job.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Laws are well in place for them but those are always overlooked since childred go out to work due to their monetary needs and miserable conditions of their families.It is us being part of the society, who have to take care of those issues.We can help them wherever required and can help them with food and books to study.

There are many NGOs like CRY through which we can help them to grow like a normal child.Corruption has penetrated and hollowed almost all the areas,otherwise govt is providing midday meals and free education along with the uniforms to help them nurture well and shape their career.

Arise Awake and Rest Not till the Goal is Achieved.
I think the role of civil socities is particularly important in this regard and many NGOs are trying their best to ensure a better lot for our deprived boys and girls.
The public has to take active part when the laws are disobeyed.

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