14 years ago
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14 years ago
Does it pertain to the secondary market (Stock Market) ?
Arise Awake and Rest Not till the Goal is Achieved.
14 years ago
I think Bounce back offer is a one by which you will receive a coupon or an offer on your next purchase on buying one at the present.This is made to receive the customers again and again.
14 years ago
bounce back officer is the person who gives the product's coupon to the customers.
14 years ago
Dear Isha, he is not asking about the officer but the offer. I think it pertains to a selling strategy which deals with the bundling of product which means selling one product to the customer and recommending a new product.
It says that we shouldn't leave the customer after selling something to him.Rather he should be requested to buy something else if satisfied with the previous one.
It says that we shouldn't leave the customer after selling something to him.Rather he should be requested to buy something else if satisfied with the previous one.
Arise Awake and Rest Not till the Goal is Achieved.
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