What is the basic purpose of job analysis?
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The basic purpose of Job Analysis is to

1.Identify the required postings in the company
2.Prepare the Job description for the posts
3.Prepare the Job specification for the posts

For example,
you are the HR of a Bus transport company and you have identified that you are in need of bus drivers.
You have done your first step of job analysis. You proceed to prepare the Job description for the driver-you mention what exactly the driver does in his job
You then proceed to make job specification where physical characteristics like height,personality appears. If you have a long bus you need tall bus driver, and so on

Job analysis is like planning,after you set up the plan; you can check the progress of your plan

Swetha Shenoy
The basic purpose of Job analysis is done to

1)Identify what kind of skills required to complete that job.
2)Identify what will be the compensation.
3)Identify how much average time required to complete that job, etc.
Do you mean analysis by a candidate or by the authority of the organisation?

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The purpose of job evaluation is surely to put the right person to the right job as various jobs demand different skill-sets.Once such an evaluation is done the specific skill requirements are thus identified and the person possessing it is employed.
I agree with Chinmoy da. The purpose is putting the right person in the right profile, Identify the skills required and anticipate the no. of resources required to accomplish the job.To add quality to it, feed-forward system can be implemented in which the process could be rectified in order to avoid any discrepancy rather than having the feedback system.

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Job analysis is done to prepare job description and job specification which helps in hiring right kind of candidates for the firm...
For any forward-looking organization it's a standard practice to have a scientific analysis of various jobs for optimum utilization of manpower.
job analysis is done in order toknow the intelligency in the particular field of the aspirant.
Job analysis is aimed at determining the essential requirement for doing a job. Here a job is assessed and not an individual.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

The basic purpose of job analysis is done by the authorities by seeing his education,skills and experiance regarding the work.Its just t see how much the person suits for the available job.
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