Can voter age be reduced from 18 to 15 years in India ? what are your suggestions and view?
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No, it should not be reduced as the complete civic sense of an adolescent guy matures at the age of 18 and then only he can identify whether the person he is going to vote will work in the interest of the society.It is ironical that even the adults and the age old people are not able to elect the right persons as their representatives.

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Yes, I agree with Mukesh and feel the same way that it should not be reduced because people are fifteen are not mature enough to understand certain critical things regarding politics and hence their votes might create a huge difference in the present setup....
No way! It's not at all advisable and sensible too to empower boys and girls of 15 with voting rights as we have already seen what voters above 15 can do!!
this is due to the reason that in our india more youngsters get maturity in the age of 18 or more.
eighteen years of age is okay. A person below 18 years is a minor and he cannot be employed and he cannot enter in a contract. He is just a learner and cannot be burdened with any responsibility including vote.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

No,it should'nt be because the person should be able to judge what is good and bad and it can be done only after attaining maturity .
15 is not an age that one can independently think or act.So it should not come to 15

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I think 18 is the right age to vote.I think many of them are not voting at the age of 18 to 20, so there should not be any reduction in age limit..
The fact remains a person at 15 has highly impressionable mind which is in a formative state and is not supposed to be mature enough to form rational judgement.
Even the age of 18 not an age for self decission.Still as a transitional period it can be opted.

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