Do you love cooking at home?
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yes...., sometimes I may cook at my home when its require... :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
I like to make egg curry not all food but for some times it is ok but if it is permanent than i do not like to cooking food.

Santosh Kumar Singh


Yes,I like cooking at home.Its like one of my hobby.I like to do Omlette,dosa,noodles etc.
Yes I love cooking but I do it rarely because the only person that like my cooking on this earth is none other than me.
I love home cooking but lack expertise.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Ya i like to cook..I can make Omlete, Noodles, coffee...
To eat food prepared by ourselves make one to adjust with all foods!
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My culinary expertise doesn't go beyond cooking rice!! Chemistry of spices has always defied me!

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no because it is taking my lot of time
and i m fed up and don't want to cook anymore..........there is a need to keep someone to cook for me because i have no time to cook.
I am a Coder and Blogger.
Currently pursuing my engineering degree and will be a software engineer in 2013..
Yes. ,,i love to cook at home..but i cook sometimes not daily.., :P :P
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