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13 years ago
Indian english is older english. Its accent is exactly the letter we speak. So Whatever we speak in English can be understandable clearly but the other countries English speaking is accent, some time we cannot even understand their English.
Indians may speak or write English better than British. This is not surprising. Once, British minister attempted to ridicule V.K. Krishna Menon over some mistake in English. V.K Krishma Menon retorted- I learnt English in college and not picked up in street unlike you.
This is true about all. We also speak and write our mother tongue much worse than the foreigners who learn in college. Some Europeans also learn Hindi. There are many foreign students in Hindi Shikha Sansthan Agra. They speak better Hindi. This is because they learnt in institution and not picked this in street.
What is wrong with British is that they have become lethargic and do not make efforts to learn anything. Hence their knowledge of English is also affected. What they speak is not standard or Queen English but this is cockney and slang. This is like many of Indians who have not gone to college but speak the local language- Hindi or any- as they picked at home or street. Personally, i am Punjabi speaking but do not know how to read and write in this language. Thus, I may speak in Punjabi as I learnt at home or from relatives. This must be different from Punjabi taught in school.
Very true ! All said and done, any language should be spoken as it is meant to be. I doubt if people in India would be happy if their own mother tongue is spoken differently by different people adding on their own bits and pieces . Similarly we have to respect each language and make an effort to keep it authentic .
Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!
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