The killer Swine Flu returned during the winter season. At least one person died and 19 others infected of A H1N1 during the last week, according to the Health Ministry.

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During December 13-19, one Swine Flu patient was identified. However, the number went up to 20 during the week December 19-26, raising an alarm.
The latest Swine Flu death was reported from Kerala. The positive cases were reported from Chennai (13), Goa (3) and Kerala (3).

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It is a shocking news that swine flue is returning again.What a deadly disease.

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The government should take some serious measures to eradicate this deadly disease.I think all other countries have already manufactured the flu shots.
Thanks for the information since I am in Karnataka I will have to take care.

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As this has come back again... Never take a risk.. as the virus will develop resistance to the medication.. :(

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The weather is very fluctuating and I think most of the states experiencing cold wave so lot of precautions are needed from from governement...thanks Deepti for sharing this news. :)
Thanks Rajani.... As we are experiencing extreme temperatures this year, we can expect many new types of virus to attack humans.We should be careful.

Thanks 'n' Regards,
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