In a major breakthrough, German doctors for the first time were able to capture the live MRI scan images of a baby at the moment of birth. The doctors claim the birth scan images will provide new insights to medical professionals. B)

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The doctors were able to take live pictures of the delivery when a patient agreed to give birth inside a magnetic-resonance imaging (MRI) scan machine. It was a normal delivery and the machine could scan all the movements and processes of a baby inside the womb.

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Its new technology used in medical profession.

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Oh!The lady had so much guts to deliver the baby inside a MRI scan machine. :ohmy:
What i understand is that this should have been avoided to prevent the new born from powerful lazers that this machines admit.

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I don't understand how will it provide new insights.MRI at birth!!!

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It is true what JAyen said the laser effects are not good..
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