Pistachio nuts lower cholesterol levels and may be good for keeping your heart healthy in a green way, according to a new study.

The researchers conducted a randomised, controlled feeding experiment to test the effects of pistachios added to a heart healthy moderate-fat diet on cardiovascular disease risk factors.

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Researchers also noted that reduction in LDL or bad cholesterol observed was seven times greater than would be expected from only the fatty acid profile of pistachios.

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A handful of pistachios a day keep heart disease at bay

A handful of pistachio nuts a day can reduce your chances of developing heart disease, according to a team of American researchers.

The scientists have found that pistachios bring down levels of bad cholesterol in the blood, as they contain an antioxidant called lutein, also found in fruit and leafy green veg, which cuts the build-up of bad cholesterol in the arteries.

Pistachios are very healthy in moderation. A handful a day is very easily incorporated into the diet and they are less calorific than peanuts as you have to take the shell off, the Daily Express quoted nutritionist Angela Dowden, as saying.

To reach the conclusion, scientists at Pennsylvania State University and Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation chose 28 adults whose average bad cholesterol level was borderline high.

They first gave them a diet rich in cheese, oil and butter. Then they switched to low-fat diets before incorporating pistachios.

Bad cholesterol levels dropped by 12 per cent when two daily servings of pistachios were eaten. Good cholesterol levels did not change.

The study has been published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

However, nutritionists warn that eating too many and gaining extra weight will not protect your heart.
Very good piece of information shared Neetu.... Thank You for adding extra fragrance to this thread. :)

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Pistachios are known to be particularly rich in an antioxidant called lutein, usually found in green leafy vegetables and brightly coloured fruit; lutein helps prevent cholesterol from clogging up arteries.

Experts advise consumers to eat unsalted rather than salted pistachios as too much salt can raise blood pressure.
This is a great piece of information that Pistas can reduce LDL cholesterol.Thanks for sharing the information,Friends. :) :)
Pistachios Are a Heart healthy Snack...
Next time you crave a snack - grab a handful of pistachio nuts

A recent Penn State study says that one or two handfuls of pistachios a day may help lower the risk of heart disease by lowering the "bad" cholesterol as much as 12%. I for one was delighted to hear this, "I love pistachios". The pistachios is not only delicious and satisfying, it is healthy. It is loaded with fiber, and actually higher in antioxidants than one cup of green tea... Another plus you get from opting to snack on pistachios, they are low calorie, and are a good snack choice for the dieter. The pistachio nut has been dubbed "the skinny nut" by nutrition experts, containing about 100 calories per 30 nuts.
A popular milk shake recipe, kesar pista milk shake is lip smacking and yet healthy. The delectable milk shake is flavoured with kesar(or saffron) and soaked and crushed pistachio. A perfect cooling and nutrient dense beverage option, especially for children.
100 gms pistachios, soak them in water for about 1 hour)
50 almonds (badam), soaked in water for 2 hours
a pinch saffron (kesar) strands
50 gms sugar
3 cups milk
1. Take a pan and heat the milk , let the 3 cups simmer in very low heat , let it simmer until the milk becomes 1 1/2 cup.
2. Grind the almonds , along with the pista , and the saffron until they form a smooth paste
3. Add the ground paste to the milk and then stir them well.
Let the milk come to a boil for about twice.
4. And remove them from the stove, and when the milk comes to room temperature.
5. Place them in the refrigrator. serve them cold.

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Thanks for providing the picture.I was not able to distinguish it hearing the name.But picture solved it.

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Wow!!!Wonderful milk shake recipe shared,Deepti.Thank you so much. :) :)
wow deepti what a mouth watering recipe. thanks for sharing the recipe as well as the information on pistachio....
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