Do you think the comments placed on polls and especially on articles have increased with the introduction of Daily contest > 'Top Commenter of the Day' ?
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Before the introduction of the contest:

>I thought there were many hits for an article and compared to that there were very less or no comments placed on articles.

>For polls too i did not notice any comments as voting was considered enough.

After the introduction of the contest :

>The comments are not at an high level for articles as i think most of them are not reading them but just opening them to get points. But, at the least i can see some comments even though it is not plenty.

>For polls, the comments placed are at an excellent level.

I wish the comments placed on articles also increases as the true value of articles comes with comments when you express your views on something someone took a LOT of time to write !

Hence i am really glad that the 'Commenter of the Day award' was introduced.
P.S > Also state the reason for increase in comments if the reason is not the Daily contest.!
Anusha I think Boddunan should keep a term that comments should at least 100 words either in poll or in article then only we will be getting some valuable comments
I don't think that the length of the comment should be the criterion rather the substance of it. Many a comment has been made in a few words by great personalities. For instance,when prohibition on liquor was mooted and introduced in the country for the first time amidst great uncertainties of its success and Pandit Jawharlal Nehru was asked by a journalist what was the situation, he just replied " The situation is very fluid ,man!".
Yes Anusha. I also think the main reason for increase in comments is because of the daily contest. Not only the comments but the voting for polls has also increased. I try to read the articles which is of interest to me and comment it. That will encourage the author a lot.
Comments are increased .But as Anusha said the quality of comments not at all satisfactory.Most seems to be just for contest.So I think "Comment of the week" award can also be introduced.

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I am not that DIS-Satisfied with comments.
I think it encourages creator of the poll.
There is some limit for comments too(It says comment is too short).
About quality...
I think we should not impose strict rules for comments.. They are just comments(like what they feel about the poll, issue, etc)
Extending the limit of comment to 50 Chars would be fine..

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