what would u prefer b/w experience and young talent, by age does experience really comes and overpowers toung talent
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I think we cannot state depending on age as some people even after becoming 60 year old can not get experience and reasons maybe anything..There are cases of young people doing higly expereinced works which generally need atleast some basic experience.. :(

If it is about life expereince that is dealing with daily family problems or decision I think more experienced ones are aged guys rather then young people..here age comes first. :)
Age is surely not synonymous with experience! As far as choice between experience and talent is concerned every organization goes for a pragmatic blend of both!
arpana singh wrote:
[quote]what would u prefer b/w experience and young talent, by age does experience really comes and overpowers toung talent[/quote]

What do you mean?

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I too didn't get the exact meaning of the post.Could somebody brief it? :) :)
Experience is counted as number of years. The quality of experience may differ from person to person. But for the sake of uniformity, rules are framed for age/ experience. The more shining persons achieve more as their worth is expressed in their performance.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Did not really understand the relevance of this question! Do you mean to say it in regards to working or what? If that is so, then it soleley depends upon the demands of a particular work itself, whether it requires judgement gained because of experience or sheer strength of youth!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

That's a very good explanation,Kalyani! It all depends on the demands of a situation!
Please have a look at the threads you created and help people understand if they are not clear with the questions.This is my humble request. :) :)
The thread opener hadn't come in this way after putting the post!!!

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Yes even i didn't understand the meaning of this post....
May be she is new and don't have an idea to follow up....
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