Once again it is proved that social networking sites like Facebook are no more safe for public as several crime have been admitted through these kind of sites and now it happened in Argentina.To know more,http://news.oneindia.in/2010/11/15/networking-risk-man-kidnaps-facebook-friend.html
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Obiviously these sites carry enormous risks and one should be guided by caution in using them.Thanks Nagalakshmi!
It is not a really big task to be safe online. Just don't ever show your original pics and don't provide any address or any pesonal information.
Aman Sinha wrote:
[quote]It is not a really big task to be safe online. Just don't ever show your original pics and don't provide any address or any personal information.[/quote]

Not showing original pictures or other details does not serve any purpose when you are on social site like face book. The risks on social sites are being exaggerated. You face same risks when you communicate in real world. The offences like kidnapping, bank fraud occurred even when there was no internet and obviously no social sites like face book.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I was really shocked when i read the news.There should be some ethics followed, when we communicate with each other in social networking sites.When there is violation of limits it will surely end up in problems.
There are a lot of risks involved when you do social networking online! one should careful enough to be discreet about your personal information and not share them with anyone you do not personally know or have known for quite some time.

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

What a world is this? Kidnapping a friend on network community!!!

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It is really shocking to hear that a 39 year old man abducted and kidnapped a teenage school going girl.He would have had daughters of the girl's age.
Previously orkut was the network which has similar case where a boy was kidnapped and killed by his best friend..So before taking any step it is better to inform someone and trusting some unknown users is always risky..as it may happen in real world too. :) :)
Although such cases form a minuscule percentage,we have to be on our guard to avoid potential dangers!
These social networking sites are really getting dangerous.....
They have become an addiction in teenages....I have a neighbour who is crazy after facebook...If her PC is not working she will sit on my computer on facebook.....
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