How many times we can post similar poll on the same day?

The following poll has been posted by the same member for 5 times:

Poll: Is computer education required in villages?


Harish Jharia
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I don't know if they member intentionally does this but this is not a fair practice.

When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick

I posted that polls but its not all my fault when i click on submit button then my computer gets hang then i click some more times then automatic poll saved 5 times. so i think some correction is needed in your system put some validation to not take same poll again.

Santosh Kumar Singh


That reminds us another work. Anyway thanks for pointing out. We will do that. But please take care before clicking twice.

When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick

This can be solved only when the poll section be made intelligent to detect the duplication of polls.
Again complaint about poll!!! It is high time to introduce more restriction on polls.Just think of the limit , one poll per day by an author.Then this problem will not repeat.

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There are ways to avoid duplication of posting polls; the following are my suggestions:

1. If the computer hangs the author of the poll should check the list of polls whether his / her poll has appeared on the list of polls. It is author's responsibility to check that his / her actions are not violating the community guidelines.

2. Editing tools may be made available for editing / deleting the polls before voting starts. As such the author should delete the polls that are claimed to have been posted out of hanging faults

3. The points earned by faulty postings should be deducted by Boddunan support team

Harish Jharia
Actually, i do not agree with your first point since you have not experienced the situation.

The first point is correct if the person once clicking the 'submit' button, comes out when system hangs, and then re enters to submit again. Then he should check the list of his polls before posting again. Correct.

But, this problem does not arise like that. When you click the submit button, it takes a lot of time to load than it normally should. Since refreshing the page would result in loss of all the text typed so far, he might have clicked the button again assuming it was not clicked properly. That is the problem.

Actually what happened was that the Submit was clicked properly, but due to server problem, it takes time. The solution is to be a little patient and wait for some more time.
Hello Anusha.M,

Your points are valid. I also faced the same problems as long as I used dial-up internet connection. Then I found out a way out... I copied my text before clicking 'Post' button... and carried it on office clipboard before checking whether it appeared on the list.

- Harish Jharia

Harish Jharia
This is notjust similar. Rather this is same- repeated several times. This is indeed disgusting. There must be no repitition. This way duplicate or triplicate submissionof same article should also be allowed and cas/points given for such repetition. I think this is ridiculous.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

We have given permission for the authors to unpublish the polls they have created. So from now onwards, I hope this issue shall not arise again.

When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick

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